Hello Intention

Self-Love & Self-Care: Non Negotiable

Episode 5

Welcome to "Hello Intention" the Podcast. A place where there is no judgement, no shame, and no guilt. Each episode is customized to help YOU discover and utilize the Power of Intention within while traveling along your life’s journey. 

Let’s begin to unpack all things reality. It’s time, time to bring clarity to just how much our experiences both past, present and even future, shape who we are, where we stand, and how we bring forth the best version of ourselves.

This is the episode where we’ll:

  • Cover the definitions and differences of Self-Care & Self-Love. 
  • Unpack the necessities of both self-care & self-love and what can occur without the presence of either one or both
  • Discover how in order to engage in healthy self-care one must understand and practice self-love
  • Keys to Thrive *
  • In order to cultivate an environment for these key elements of your journey give yourself some  ****** Space - Time - & Grace
  • Protect your Energy as you journey through this moment
  • Journal Prompt: 

1) Name 5 things you love or appreciate about yourself?

2) Identify ways in which you may or may not be engaging in self-love or self-care

Be Well,

Shivon M.
Therapist * Change Expert * & Life Strategist:    www.ShivonM.com

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